© Gordon Johnson, Pixabay
© Gordon Johnson, Pixabay

Thanks to the great support from the Friedrich Flick Förderungsstiftung, the Werner Reichenberger Stiftung, the Gerhard Müggenburg Stiftung, and the Lions Club Lübecker Bucht, we can announce in 2024 the 2nd NEURODEGENERATION RESEARCH AWARD (100.000 EUR).


The grant should be used to support a postdoctoral fellowship and aims at fostering synergies between research on CLN3 childhood dementia and age-related neurodegeneration.

Applicants must meet the following requirements:

1. Two collaborating partners must co-apply for the award
2. One must be actively engaged in CLN3 research
3. The other in research on age-related neurodegeneration

Ideally, postdoctoral candidates should perform part of their work in the laboratories of both applicants. Colleagues interested should first send us a brief Letter of Interest with a short description of the research proposal.

Provided the proposal raises sufficient interest, you will be asked to hand in a full proposal using the attached form below.
If you need help to identify a matching partner, please do not hesitate to contact us.

1st stage: Letter of Interest to until August 15, 2024
2nd stage: Full application to before October 15, 2024

We are looking forward to your proposals and please forward this call to interested colleagues.

Application form 2nd Neurodegeneration Research Award
2024-06-17 2nd Neurodegeneration Researc
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